Superior to a National Alternative
Here are 5 good reasons!
#1. KEYTA is Local — We were formed by Pennsylvania teachers for Pennsylvania teachers. Do you really want to be calling California, Ohio, or Washington DC with your Pennsylvania problem and with your job on the line? We are strategically located in Camp Hill, just next door to Harrisburg, and are far more familiar with our Commonwealth’s laws than any out-of-state organization!
#2. Pennsylvania Attorneys — Having a relationship with Pennsylvania law firms gives assurance to our members that they will be well taken care of, should the need arise.
#3. Local Lobbying — When issues come up that affect only PA teachers, our members are notified, and our staff can then lobby the Legislature. KEYTA receives email notifications for all bills associated with education issues. If there are bills we know our members need to be aware of, we will write a short synopsis of the bill and offer links to read the bill in its entirety and encourage our members to write their legislators.
#4. Local Representation — Not every issue is handed over to an attorney. We represent our members in various issues such as intensive assistance plans, letters of reprimand, classroom management, evaluations, certifications, retirement, and much more. These are the times we are allowed to go into the district and sit side by side with our members. Members of a national organization would rarely, if ever, receive that in-person support.
#5. Personal Service — KEYTA is so much more than our excellent insurance. Our members have the assurance of knowing someone will be standing right beside them, walking with them through any difficult situation.
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Navigating Holiday Celebrations in the Classroom
As the holiday season approaches, we eagerly anticipate a well-earned break. It’s also the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we celebrate in our classrooms.