The 2022 KEYTA survey was short and sweet and, thankfully, did not include anything related to COVID. We recognize that this is still an issue for our teachers, but we were curious to see what other issues teachers are now dealing with in the classroom.
Our first question concerned staffing issues. An overwhelming number (75%) of teachers said that their school was currently experiencing staffing issues. This may be an issue for a few years to come as many teachers decided to retire or change professions rather than go back to the classroom during COVID.
It was good to see that most teachers are not asked to give up their personal or planning time to cover other classrooms, but there are still about 35% of the teachers who have this inflicted upon them. Only a third of those asked to do this are compensated for this support.
It is not surprising that over two-thirds of teachers in the survey said they are experiencing an increase in job-related stress. This would also account for one of the most requested helpful webinar topics that KEYTA could offer is dealing with stress. The other top request was for information regarding retirement.
The top two reasons that KEYTA members rated as to why they are members were the professional liability insurance and legal assistance in job protection issues. Legal rights was the third most requested topic for a webinar.
KEYTA asked what type of perks or additional benefits you would like to see offered and the overwhelming response was discounts.
Here are some of the comments members made at the end of the survey:
- Thank you for being nonpartisan. I’m so happy to be part of an organization that presents facts and not opinions as fact.
- I love KEYTA and they are always responsive to any questions that I have had.
- Perhaps you can connect members within a district or with surrounding districts.
- Your organization does a great job of providing support for teachers. Since I have joined, four of my colleagues have inquired about my decision and have joined KEYTA as well.
- I am glad that I have this Association where we can be represented and where we have a voice to discuss difficult matters we are facing.