Frequently Asked Coverage Questions

Answer: Such a member is covered while engaged in duties as a teacher or principal, but not while acting as a member of a school board.

Answer: Yes, while the member is engaged in activities as a professional educator.

Answer: No. This policy does not cover the school system. It covers the individual members.

Answer: Yes, for example in a case where a coach instructed a player to run the bleachers as discipline for missing practice, and the student fell and suffered serious injuries, Coverage A did apply.

Answer: Since this action only asks for “injunctive relief” and since it involves “other professional responsibilities” Coverage B would apply. Reimbursement of attorney fees up to $10,000 each for principal and teacher would be paid if the suspension were upheld.

Answer: Corporal punishment, whether civil or criminal is under Coverage A. Any other criminal act is covered under B with the maximum of $10,000 payable whether or not the insured is exonerated.

Answer: Yes, The duty of the insurance company to defend is far greater than the duty to pay. It pays when an insured is judged liable; but it must defend even if the allegation be false, groundless or fraudulent.

Answer: The policy covers attorney fees up to $10,000 provided termination or allegations at a hearing are resolved in favor of the teacher. In one case, a teacher was suspended and asked to resign although he felt he had done nothing to void his contract. Negotiations resulted in the teacher recovering requested pay, a contract of release and a recommendation. His attorney’s fee was paid under Coverage B.

Answer: Yes, under Coverage B only. This may or may not be a criminal action, but whether criminal or civil, attorney’s fees up to $10,000 are payable whether or not the Educator is exonerated.

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