Insurance Comparison

This policy comparison does not change the terms of any policy.  For more information about our Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program, visit KEYTA’s website at, or call 877-33-KEYTA and ask for a membership information packet and an insurance summary.

Policy Feature Keystone Teachers Association Typical Teacher Union Policy
Available Limits of Liability Coverage $2,000,000 Liability Coverage $1,000,000 Liability Coverage
Annual Cost of Professional Membership $396 Over $700
Liability Limit Per Member / Aggregate Limit Per Occurrence $2,000,000 per member per occurrence $3,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 per member per occurrence $3,000,000 per occurrence
What coverage exists in the policy for employment rights / job protection? Guaranteed up to $10,000 for legal expenses is available for legal consultation and local representation. Covered actions include dismissal, tenure, salary, leave of absence, assignment, resignation, and other professional rights, duties, and responsibilities. Excluded from policy coverage. However, the teacher union may, at their discretion, assign an attorney.
What liability coverage does the policy provide for Civil Rights cases? The full $2,000,000 liability coverage applies for Civil Rights lawsuits Coverage is limited to $500,000, which includes both damages and defense costs.
What coverage exists for possible criminal charges? Reimbursement of legal expenses up to $35,000, if exonerated. Of this amount, up to $10,000 is guaranteed regardless of the outcome, even if not exonerated Reimbursement of legal expenses up to $35,000, if exonerated. (except in corporal punishment, where there is no requirement for exoneration)
Are premiums for bail bonds covered? Yes. Up to $1,000 Yes. Up to $1,000.
Am I covered for personal property damage caused by student assault? Yes. Members are reimbursed up to $500 for damage. Yes. Up to $500 after your homeowner's policy has paid.
Am I covered for lawsuits filed by other teachers in my school system? Yes Only if related to an established peer review system.
Do I have protection for private instruction (tutoring)? Yes. Up to $10,000 in reimbursement of attorney fees for private tutoring services provided outside the scope of your school duties and obligations. No.
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