Educators Liability Insurance
Educators Liability Insurance Program
Liability Insurance
KEYTA’s insurance pays up to $2 million per insured per occurrence and $3 million per occurrence if more than one member is involved, plus defense costs.
This coverage protects members for alleged damages arising out of an occurrence as part of member’s professional duties as a school employee.
KEYTA members enjoy this protection long after they have retired or left the profession, thanks to our special occurrence based feature. If a claim is brought against a member, and the alleged incident occurred at a time when the teacher was a member of KEYTA, the member is covered by the policy.
Employment Protection Insurance
KEYTA members also receive up to $10,000 for employment protection attorney fees. Even the best of teachers find that they may be confronted by problems with evaluations, conflicts with administrators, or claims of district policy violations. KEYTA’s attorneys and staff can provide guidance & support, research policies & statutes, attend meetings with members, and help them resolve these problems.
Private Instruction (Tutoring) Protection
KEYTA members will receive up to $10,000 in reimbursement of attorney fees for the defense of an action or proceeding against the member arising from private instruction activities. This coverage is for tutoring services provided outside the scope of your school duties and obligations.
Personal Property Damage Reimbursement
KEYTA members are reimbursed up to $500 for damage or destruction of personal property or other person’s personal property when the member is on or surrounding school property or while away from school, but on an authorized school activity. (This provision does not include vehicles)
Attorney Fee Reimbursement for Identity Theft
KEYTA members will be reimbursed up to $1,000 for attorney fees as a result of identity theft.
Attorney Fee Reimbursement in Criminal Cases
KEYTA’s insurance provides each member up to $35,000 per claim for criminal cases, provided the member is exonerated. Up to $10,000 of this limit is provided for corporal punishment and all other criminal claims, whether or not the member is exonerated.
Bail Bond Reimbursement
KEYTA’s insurance provides up to $1000 for bail bond premiums.
This brief description of the policy is to provide information only and in no way alters or modifies the policy on file with the association.
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Navigating Holiday Celebrations in the Classroom
As the holiday season approaches, we eagerly anticipate a well-earned break. It’s also the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we celebrate in our classrooms.