KEYTA Offers Stress Management Webinar

Pennsylvania educators and school staff have done an incredible, inspiring job pivoting to remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then back again, and then a hybrid version of both. These transitions have been challenging. You are grappling with new technology, uncertainty about the future, and experiencing stress like never before. 
The Keystone Teachers Association is offering a webinar on February 9 from 5-6:00PM where Chris Shea will share stress management strategies and guide you through coping with daily pressures, feeling overwhelmed, burnout, and anxiety. Members will be able to ask questions and seek guidance on issues that are currently troubling them.

Christopher Shea, MA, CRAT, CAC-AD, LCC is a certified counselor & life coach who has worked as a clinician, clinical director, and executive for more than 25 years. He is the founder of Lifesjourney Life Coaching, LLC (, and a published author who presents at seminars and conferences across the country giving keynote addresses and inspirational talks. He has taught in the public school classroom and is currently an adjunct professor of psychology at McDaniel College Graduate School of Counseling.

Contact KEYTA at for details on how to join the webinar.

Due to the nature of the questions and to respect the privacy of our attendees, the webinar will be in a view-only format and participants will be anonymous.  Questions can be directed via the chat box.  Only the KEYTA moderator will be able to see the questions and put them to our expert to answer. 

The Keystone Teachers Association provides members with access to professional liability insurance, legal assistance, email updates, newsletters, state lobbyist that represent teachers in educational and labor issues, state meetings, and much more. KEYTA members also have guaranteed and immediate legal counsel at the onset of workplace issues. For more information visit

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