KEYTA’s 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey Summary

No circumstances have so rapidly affected public education as the COVID-19 pandemic.  In an effort to gather information from our members reflecting on the 2019-20 school year and looking forward to the 2020-21 school year, KEYTA sent out a survey with questions about the effect of COVID-19 on school employees. We are grateful to our members for taking time to answer our questions.

The results are as follows.

 KEYTA’s 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey


  1. Have you been given additional professional development and resources that will enhance a full or blended virtual learning scenario for the 2020-21 school year?

A: About half of our members had, and half had not received training.

  1. Do you feel your school will be better prepared to equip staff and students with proper technology (e.g., Internet access and reliable devices) for the start of the 2020-21 school year?

A: Nearly 3 times as many of you responded with an encouraging “yes”, to date.

  1. Does your school or district offer a cyber educational program?

A: Over 7/10 offer full programs, about 2/10 offer partials, and less than 1/10 offer none at all.

  1. How concerned are you about layoffs resulting from budget deficits and the loss of financial resources from student’s opting to switch to an independent cyber school?

A: About 1/4 are very concerned, 1/2 are slightly concerned, and 1/4 are not concerned at all.

  1. How concerned are you about returning to in-person instruction in the fall?

A: About 1/3 were very concerned, a little over 1/3 are slightly concerned, while a little less than 1/3 were not concerned at all.

  1. Please feel free to share any additional information that will assist us in continuing to support you now and into the 2020-21 school year.

Recurring/Common Themes:

#1.  We are frustrated over changing mandates and how to plan in light of them.

 #2.  Rules set in place seem to be arbitrary, inconsistent and unenforceable.

#3.  The prospect of being required and/or ready to teach both in-person and on-line, along with extra duties associated with hygiene may be impossible, especially for teachers who were already maxed-out with multiple preparations and responsibilities.

 #4.  There was a substitute shortage before COVID. Many of the few will not be subbing due to COVID. We are concerned that we will be called upon to teach classes for which we are unprepared.

 #5.  We are concerned that if we get sick with COVID, we might need more sick-days than we have.


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