Summer Food Programs Available for Students

The Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Education recently issued communication reminding Pennsylvanians to take advantage of the many summer food assistance programs for students and caretakers across the commonwealth. State and local options are available to Pennsylvania families facing food insecurity this summer.

If you know of students and their families that may struggle with food shortages during the summer months, please pass on this helpful information.

Options for Pennsylvania caretakers and children experiencing food insecurity include:

Seniors and seniors taking care of children also may be eligible for the following:

  • The Pennsylvania Senior Food Box Program, which provides eligible seniors with a monthly box of food to supplement regular groceries, the box can be delivered by DoorDash in select areas.
  • Congregate and home-delivered meals available to Pennsylvanians 60 years of age or older. Meals are directly delivered to eligible individuals’ homes through County Area Agencies on Aging.
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